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Alternative for MacOS

Usage of Linux on MacOS

MacOS users needing a full Linux environment can use a virtual machine (VM) like VirtualBox or access a Computer Science Instructional Lab (CSIL) lab, where pre-configured Linux systems are available for development and testing.

Virtual Machines

The best way to utilize Linux in MacOS is to use a Virutal machine.
The following is a list of tools you can use to utilize Linux on MacOS

There are many Virtual Machines out in the market but we personally recommand using UTM as it is free of use and it is macOS-native (Pre-installed)

UbuntuUser-friendly, great for beginners.
Pop!_OSOptimized for productivity and developers.
FedoraCutting-edge features and polished experience.
DebianStable and reliable.
Elementary OSDesigned with a macOS-like interface.

How to use Virtual Machine to use Linux

For demonstration purposes we will be using Ubunto ISO file uploaded to the VirtualBox as an example. We will also assume that users have already downloaded the required VM and Linux distribution file before reading this part of the tutorial.

There exists four major steps when using Virtual machines.

  • Creating a new Virtual Machine in VirtualBox
  • Mount the Linux ISO to the VM
  • Start the VM and download Linux
  • Complete Post installation setup

Step 1 Creating a new Virtual Machine in VirtualBox

  1. Open VirtualBox:

    • Launch VirtualBox after installation.
  2. Create a New VM:

    • Click the "New" button to create a new virtual machine.
    • Enter a name for your VM (e.g., "Ubuntu VM").
    • Choose the type of operating system (e.g., Linux) and version (e.g., Ubuntu (64-bit)).
    • Click Next.
  3. Assign Memory (RAM):

    • Decide how much memory (RAM) you want to allocate to the VM.
    • For Ubuntu, a minimum of 2 GB is recommended, but 4 GB is better if your Mac has enough RAM.
    • Click Next.
  4. Create a Virtual Hard Disk:

    • Choose Create a virtual hard disk now and click Create.
    • Choose the format for the virtual disk (e.g., VDI).
    • Choose the type of storage (dynamically allocated is fine).
    • Set the size of the virtual hard disk (e.g., 20 GB is a reasonable minimum).
    • Click Create.

Step 2 Mount the Linux ISO to the VM

  • Mount the ISO:
    • In the settings window, go to Storage.
    • Under Controller: IDE, you’ll see an empty disk. Click the empty disk icon and then click the disk icon next to Optical Drive on the right.
    • Select Choose a disk file and navigate to the Ubuntu ISO file you downloaded earlier.
    • Select the ISO and click Open.
    • Click OK to save the settings.

Step 3 Start the VM and download Linux

    • start the VM
    • Install Linux

Step 4 Complete Post installation setup

  1. log in to Linux with your login info
  2. Update the system by inputing the following commands to the terminal
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Follow along a youtube tutorial on getting started with VMs (Here)